2025 New Diplomates

Dr. Elif Aksoylu, DMD, MPH and Dr. Candice Johnson, DDS.

Updated President’s Message

Please click here to see President’s message

Forensic Odontology Response to the NIST Report and CIFS Video

Forensic Odontology Response to the NIST Report and CIFS Video  »

GBell's Member Profile

Gary Bell
Leavenworth, WA
Dr. Bell became a diplomate of the ABFO in 1986. He was a director (1988-91), treasurer (1989-90), secretary (1990-92), vice president (1992-93), president elect (1993-94)and president of the ABFO (1994-95). He began his career in Dentistry in 1976 upon graduation from the University of Washington Dental School. He maintains a general practice in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Bell joined the Seattle Police Department Reserve Unit in 1971 and initially worked in the Patrol Division and has been assigned to the Crimes Against Persons Division for assistance with their forensic investigations since 1979. In 1989, he was selected to be the Washington State Patrol's Forensic Advisor for their Missing and Unidentified Persons Unit. His expertise in the forensic field has grown and his accomplishments, besides those mentioned above, include, Fellow in the AAFS, Co-Chairman of the Washington State Dental Identification Team, Chairman of the Seattle/King County Dental Identification Team and Chairman of the Washington State Missing and Unidentified Persons Committee. Dr. Bell has taught and continues to teach Forensic Odontology, specifically dealing with bitemark evidence collection, mass disaster preplanning and forensic evidence analysis and transmission via electronic media, to a variety of agencies. He has been certified as an expert witness by numerous Washington, Oregon, California and Alaska courts and has preformed dental identifications and bitemark comparisons for numerous coroner/ME's offices and law enforcement agencies. He has developed a written protocol for the dental section involved in mass disasters that has been used in the formation of many disaster teams that have been organized in the US. His Forensic Information Transmission System (FITS) is currently being implemented in the Pacific Northwest Region of the US to aid in the identification of unidentified remains. For the past couple of years Dr. Bell has spent much time organizing, editing and updating the ABFO Diplomate Reference Manual. Fortunately, he has a very understanding wife and two children that support his efforts in a profession that he enjoys.
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