2025 New Diplomates

Dr. Elif Aksoylu, DMD, MPH and Dr. Candice Johnson, DDS.

Updated President’s Message

Please click here to see President’s message

Forensic Odontology Response to the NIST Report and CIFS Video

Forensic Odontology Response to the NIST Report and CIFS Video  »

CBerner's Member Profile

Charles Berner
Highland Heights, OH
Dr. Berner earned his DDS degree from The Ohio State Univ. College of Dentistry. He has been inducted as a Master in the AGD, has earned the Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition award and reviews manuscripts submitted for publication in the AGD’s publication. He also has Sustaining Member status in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. The Consumer’s Research Council of America has listed Dr. Berner among ‘America’s Top Dentists’ and Northern Ohio Magazine also included him in their ‘Best Dentists’ issue. Dr. Berner became a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Odontology in 2011, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and is grateful to have been elected to the Board of Governors of the American Society of Forensic Odontology. Completing his Forensic Fellowship at the Univ. of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Dr. Berner was later designated a Fellow and collaborating scientist with SUNY - Buffalo’s Laboratory for Forensic Odontologic Research. Dr. Berner has received recognition as a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security by his membership in Reg. V of the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team under the National Disaster Medical System. Dr. Berner was among the first to be deployed to Louisiana for Hurricane Katrina, helped establish the National Disaster Portable Morgue Unit in St. Gabriel and was honored to have received the Commanders Award for Meritorious Service. Dr. Berner is proud to participate on the National Dental Image Repository review panel and was awarded the Assistant Director's Award for Excellence for his consultation to the Criminal Justice Information Services Division of the FBI. Dr. Berner is affiliated to the Summit Co. Medical Examiners’ Office and is also a team member of the Florida Emergency Mortuary Operations Response System. He is the Forensic Specialist on Team Ohio of NamUs, a member of the National Assoc. of Medical Examiners, the International Association for Identification, the Ohio Identification Officers Association and volunteers with the Ohio Medical Reserve Corps, Tri-City CERT and his local Mass Inoculation Point of Dispensing (MIPOD) team. Dr. Berner enjoys teaching and speaking to local law enforcement, EMS crews and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners. Dr. Berner has been regularly speaking in high school classes, training students in his office over decades, contributing to scholarships and school activities and was inducted into his high school Alumni Hall of Fame.
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