Updated President’s Message

Please click here to see President’s message

2024 New Diplomates

Dr. Shanetha Collier, DDS  

Forensic Odontology Response to the NIST Report and CIFS Video

Forensic Odontology Response to the NIST Report and CIFS Video  »

abfo committees

ABFO Committees 2024-2025  as of 2/26/24


Standing Committees

Executive Committee


  1. Eric Wilson  (P)                   (26)
  2. Derek Draft  (PE)                  (27)
  3. Mark Eilers (VP)                   (28)
  4. Kathy Kasper (Treas)            (29)
  5. Grace Chung  (Sec)               (30)
  6. Jacqueline Reid (PP)           (25)


Certification & Examination


  1. Robert Wood – Chair           (25)
  2. Dirk Van Der Meer              (26)
  3. Holland Maness                    (27)
  4. John Nase (28)
  5. Cathy Law – Past Chair        (24)

EC Liaison- Kasper(Treas)



  1. Gary Berman – Chair          (25)
  2. Peter Loomis                      (26)
  3. Steve Lojeski                       (27)
  4. Haskell Pitluck-non-voting

EC Liaison – Wilson(P)



  1. Rich Fixott (PP 2)                (25)
  2. Jacqueline Reid (PP)            (25)
  3. Heath Blockley
  4. Phyllis Ho
  5. Peter Loomis


Articles & Bylaws

  1. Ruth Smith -Chair               (25)
  2. Cristina Dalle Grave            (25)
  3. David Wold                         (26)
  4. J.P. Fancher                         (26)
  5.   Gary Berman                        (27)
  6. Heath Blockley                     (27)
  7. Haskell Pitluck (non-voting)

EC Liaison – Chung(Sec)



TBD-Remove from DRM in 2025

Strategic Planning

  1.   James Lewis – Chair         (25)
  2. Jan Westberry
  3. Robin Aisnworth
  4. Paige Smalley
  5. Rich Fixott

EC Liaison – Wilson (P)


Bitemark Evidence & Patterned Injury

  1. Derek Draft – Chair         (25)
  2. John Nase
  3. David Senn
  4. Holland Maness
  5. Rich Fixott
  6. Mark Eilers
  7. Tom David
  8. Corinne D’Anjou
  9. Ann Norrlander

EC – Reid (PP)


Dental Identification

  1. Lena Karkalas – Chair (25)
  2. Peter Loomis
  3. Gary Berman
  4. Scott Hahn
  5. Kyle Tanaka
  6. Leigh-Ann Schuerman
  7. Cristina Dalle Grave
  8. Beverly Hedgepath
  9. David Wold
  10. Page Smalley

EC Liaison – Eilers(VP)




Civil Litigation

  1. Tom David – Chair (25)
  2. Ann Norrlander
  3. Bruce Schrader
  4. Heath Blockley
  5. Paige Smalley

EC Liaison- Eilers(VP)


Human Abuse & Neglect

  1. Robin Ainsworth – Chair (25)
  2. Lowell Riemer
  3. Jennifer Moore
  4. Susan Baker

EC Liaison-Kasper(Treas)


Dental Age Assessment

  1. Kathy Kasper- Chair (25)
  2. Leigh-Ann Schuerman
  3. Derek Draft
  4. J.P. Fancher
  5. James Lewis
  6. Laura Kaiser
  7. Denise Murmann
  8. Jacqueline Reid
  9. Eric Wilson
  10. Jan Westberry
  11. John Nase
  12. David Senn
  13. Mark Crumpton
  14. Shanetha Collier

EC Liaison- Draft(PE)


Public Relations

  1. Rick Cardoza – Chair (25)
  2. Lena Karkalas
  3. Jacqueline Reid

EC Liaison- Chung(Sec)


Ad Hoc Committees


Ad Hoc Diplomate Development Committee

Paige Smalley – Chair

Robin Ainsworth


Ad Hoc FSAB Reaccreditation Committee

TBD at later date


Ad Hoc Overall Workshop Committee

Mark Eilers – Chair(25)

2024  DAA Workshop Chair-Kasper

2024  Civil Lit Workshop Chair-David


Ad Hoc Publication Review Committee

John Nase-Chair (25)

James Lewis

Kathy Kasper

David Senn

Robert Wood


Ad Hoc Governmental Affairs Committee

Ken Ascheim Co-Chair (25)

Phyllis Ho Co-Chair (25)

John Nase

Robin Ainsworth

Lena Karkalas

Rich Fixott

EC Liaison-Draft





Ad Hoc ADA Liaison

John Kenney


Ad Hoc ADA Scientific Committee for Dental Informatics (SCDI) Liaison

Kenneth Aschheim


Ad Hoc Archives Liaison

Ruth Smith


Ad Hoc FSAB Liaison



Ad Hoc Local Arrangements

Warren Tewes-Baltimore (25)


Parliamentarian – Bruce Schrader


Webmaster – Dane Johnson


The American Board of Forensic Odontology, Inc.
Email: contact@abfo.org