Forensic Odontology Response to the NIST Report and CIFS Video »
The American Board of Forensic Odontology has 96 members in many American States and Canadian Provinces. Diplomates of the board are available for scientific presentations, identification workshops, forensic training sessions, mass disaster preparedness drills and presentations to various audiences.
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Message from the ABFO Public Relations Committe:
The American Board of Forensic Odontology will celebrate its 30th year as the premier source of information and credibility in forensic odontological investigation and education. The ABFO has the largest number of certified and qualified Diplomates throughout the world and many members are available for scientific seminars, identification workshops, forensic training sessions, mass disaster preparedness and presentations to the general public. The ABFO is also recognized as the primary information source for law enforcement agencies, news media and the legal world when answers are needed about matters pertaining to forensic dentistry.
The ABFO has presented joint “Multiple Fatality Incident Management” lectures with the American Dental Association and is also recognized by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (the most prestigious forensic science organization) as one of only a few forensic specialties that offer board certification.
Through careful thought and planning, the ABFO and its Diplomates have literally advanced the science of Forensic Odontology into its contemporary state through years of research, workshops and educational venues that give the most up-to-date and reliable information available to the forensic and lay communities.
Unlike some so-called “forensic” organizations, the ABFO insists that candidates accumulate a significant amount of hands-on experience before they can become eligible to challenge the rigorous test for admission. Only after a candidate passes the multi-phased, comprehensive examination, is he or she considered to be eligible for membership. Through periodic re-testing and recertification according to nationally established standards, the proficiency of each ABFO Diplomate is confirmed on a regular basis. A continued requirement for membership is an affiliation with either a local law enforcement agency, coroner’s or medical examiner’s office.
The ABFO embraces the philosophy of unbiased investigation with obtaining the truth as the ultimate goal. Maintaining these high standards as its fundamental core, ABFO Diplomates will continue to be the pre-eminent leaders for information resources and qualified representation in forensic odontological investigation, education and communication.